Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Drive in Texas

Spring not only reminds us that life sprouts, blossoms and blooms from the seemingly dead, desolate and dry earth, but that love, too, seems to be renewed this time of year. Many equate Spring with new love. The fresh green leaves, brought alive from the Spring rains and bright sunshine, make the heart glad, flutter and skip a beat. Spring comes a little earlier in Texas than in other parts of the world, so I share this poem about a Spring Drive in Texas. Though I wrote this poem a few years ago, it was inspired by a drive from Fredericksburg, Texas to Fort Worth. I made the same drive this past weekend and this poem came to mind. May the word pictures make your heart glad and may love be renewed in your heart.

Spring Drive in Texas

Sea of green, waves of blue
Rocks of red and purple hue
Fields of gold, and dreams of you.

Trees cast shadows but never doubt
They shelter, shade and wave about
Love fresh, in blossom, as new leaves sprout.

A breath, a breeze, a gale, a gust
Windmills spin and squeak from rust
Spring blows in and with it, trust.

Clouds of cotton dot the sky
Birds uplifted glide and fly
My spirit soars and you are why.

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