Thursday, April 23, 2009

There is Beauty

It is all too easy, if we listen to newscasts and read the newspaper, to focus on and see only the pain and suffering, the disasters and destruction, the hurt, disease and death in the world. But take a moment, take a deep breath...okay, take another one...and look out your window at the sky, at a tree, a flower or a bird. Take a moment to really see the beauty that is near you. I know I get caught up in the busy-ness of life, thoughts racing through my head, preoccupation with solving a problem or dwelling on some issue. I can drive (or bicycle) through the most beautiful countryside, but miss it because my mind is distracted elsewhere. Sometimes, the beauty that is near me, is a friend. It may be a smile, a wink, a hug, or a kind word spoken...just for me. That is beautiful. As Georgia O'Keeffe wrote, "Nobody sees a flower, really - it is so small - we haven't time, and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time." Take a moment. Take a deep breath. See the beauty that is near you. And then read on...

There is Beauty

There is beauty in the distance, up a rise, atop that hill.
I can see it if I focus, if I listen, if I’m still.
It is calling out a message, on the wind it calls to me.
But I’m distracted and confused, so much noise, I cannot see.

There is beauty across that meadow, with shades of green and gold, some brown.
There is a story in the shadows but they do not stay around.
The clouds a cover, blocking sun’s light, a quick glimpse and then it’s gone.
Illumination, inspiration, I will wait…light comes at dawn.

There is beauty right in front of me, blades of grass, wild flowers, bold trees.
They are not frightened, nor heartbroken by winds of change or forceful breeze.
They cut through it, wildly dancing, yet stand firm and hold their ground.
Life’s breath surrounds them and it fills them, makes them strong and free and sound.

There is beauty all around me, I can sense it on my skin.
With the lightness of a butterfly, it flutters, beckons, soul to win.
It touches me, but out of reach and it cannot be caught.
I can follow where it leads me with my heart, and step, and thought.

There is beauty in my heart, deep inside it dwells and glows.
I may not think I hear God speaking, but through nature His truth shows.
My anxious striving, frantic doing, won’t cease the longing, fill the void.
I must let go of all that holds me, seek but His glory and His joy.


  1. Same person syndrome! Well, not exactly, but the imagery in this poem -- especially the "lightness of a butterfly" -- made me think of this simple love poem I wrote about 18 years ago. I hope the line breaks will translate in comment post format. Thanks for reminding me of this with "There is Beauty" - !


    I want to bring you what I saw
    When I watched you hold a feather and then let it go.
    I want to bring you what I saw
    When I watched it drift away across a high meadow.

    I want to bring you what I saw
    When I watched small butterflies, winged brilliant violet-blue.
    I want to bring you what I saw
    When I watched them flit along a forest path, following you.

    I want to bring you what I held
    When I caught bubbles blown across a dancing breeze.
    I want to bring you:
    Lightness, laughter, little things that please.
