Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pray In Me

There are certain dates in the year that hold significance for each of us. Birthdays, wedding anniversaries, celebrations of "firsts," or dates of significant losses. This date holds a particular, poignant significance for me. The experiences that trigger the importance of certain dates usually have to do with the people in our lives who are close, meaningful or have impacted our lives in some way. Our hearts are moved, our souls are touched, strong emotions well up inside. Sometimes of great joy, sometimes great sorrow. Remembrances of the people and the experiences that have changed us, molded us, in some way, deeply. God moves within, touches our very soul and speaks...


The afternoon sighed…its warm breath across my face.
Day-worn heat released, giving way to the fresh inhalation of evening breezes.
The sigh, too deep for words, caught me in its arms between heartbeats.
I heard its whisper of truth and its promise of newness.
I was at once embraced and yet airborne with the power and grace of eagle’s wings.
Life’s prayer consumed me with a sweetness – like sugar dissolving on my tongue.
The intimate indwelling of this divinely passionate presence, tearfully
Softened the callused and weather-beaten landscape of my soul.
In the midst of living, came the illumination of the darkness.
Penetrating, healing, transforming…the loving pulse of the unceasing prayer within.
Ah yes, Lord, pray in me.