Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chasing Sunsets

The thoughts and plans for my trip were looping through my brain like a song that keeps repeating itself in my head without any conscious effort. My trip would take me back to people and places of my past. Times for reconnecting, remembering and renewing are anticipated. The visions of faces, places, sounds, smells, smiles, hugs, emotions play themselves out on the movie screen of my mind. The reflection on my past while anticipating the future casts an interesting light on the present. Sometimes "Now" can be overrated. The stark reality of now with its sharp edges, vivid images, brilliant clarity can be overwhelming. The gentle filter of my memory can serve to soften the edges, blur the images and shade the starkness, like airbrushing a photograph or wearing rose-colored glasses. The memory may be sweeter, lovelier and kinder than the reality. Granted, this is not always true. Sometimes the sharp pain of loss or hurt can cloud even the best memories and overshadow the goodness of life experiences. Plans to revisit meaningful people and memorable places, playing out potential conversations, shared emotions, laughter and maybe tears can be more pleasant and enjoyable than the actual events will be. Maybe that is why I like to plan, expect, hope and dream. The fantasies of what could be, might be, hope to be are wonderful little mental vacations my mind takes me on. No doubt too much living in the past or planning for the future can cause us to miss some brilliant moments that are happening NOW. Yet I learn from my past and I have hope for my future. Both give me perspective and appreciation of "Now." Like chasing sunsets across the sky, I can fly back to my homeland and reconnect with my past - but that sun has set and I am only living when I am aware and cognizant of this moment and the next, creating new meaningful memories by being present to each of life's experiences.

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