Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Smooth as Glass Furniture

A bit more about Rex White, Custom Furniture Designer and Craftsman:

Rex has always been interested in how things work, how things are constructed and the details that create quality craftsmanship. He has become best known in his furniture for his attention to detail and his “smooth as glass” finishes. Utilizing primarily hardwoods and the finest joinery techniques, Rex creates antique reproductions as well as contemporary works to suit his customers’ home décor and tastes. He has had his work published in Fine Woodworking, Design Book Three http://www.taunton.com/finewoodworking/, Metropolitan Home http://www.methomecollection.com/, Texas Highways http://www.texashighways.com/, Woodcraft Magazine http://www.woodcraftmagazine.com/ and Woodworker West http://www.woodwest.com/. He has been featured in furniture exhibitions at The Art Center in Waco, TX http://www.artcenterwaco.org/, Hamdy Fine Arts Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX, Gremillion & Co. Fine Art in both Austin and Houston, TX http://www.gremillion.com/, and currently at Artisans in Fredericksburg, TX http://www.artisansatrockyhill.com/. He has received numerous honors and awards at furniture shows including the “West Marin Woodworkers Show” in Point Reyes, CA, the “Central Texas Biennial Craft Competition” in Waco, TX, multiple years at the “Winedale Spring Festival Craft Show” in Round Top, TX, and multiple years at the “Texas Furniture Maker Show” in Kerrville, TX http://www.kacckerrville.com/texasfurnitureshow.html.